Wednesday, March 20, 2013

chapter 9 Social stratification

In society we wish we could all de equal. The truth is that in every system there are social stratifications, that are the different types of class that change in society. There are two types of social stratification but they share the same dimensions that help categorize the class, the reason class appear is unknown but theories have appeared. In the USA the class system has different levels that allow for a socioeconomic growth. The largest and most complicated problem for the economy is in the end poverty as it is present in the social and cultural aspect of a group but more important is that it is harmful when there are too many individuals forming part of this group.     
                The cast system is known in India because the main characteristic is that the rewards and distribution is based on a prescribed on status. Before endogamy was dominated, to marry based only with those with the same status, but now exogamy, to marry outside the status, is practiced as an alternative. In the class system the individuals have a control over their status which brings them resources and rewards. There are two types of individuals in this system the bourgeoisie that have the resources to produce and the proletarian that are the ones that work. The dimensions of stratification are wealth: their valuables, power: their ability to control, and prestige: respect and honor that others recognize that is part of their socioeconomic status. The functionalist believe this appears because certain roles have to be performed be some. Conflict theory is that the exploitation of individuals causes stratification.
                In the United States there are six classes. Upper classes, upper middle class, lower middle class, working class, working poor and the underclass that are the lowest in the system. There is social movement that can be horizontal in which jobs of the same status are exchanged, or they can be vertical were jobs with different status are exchanged. In an intergenerational mobility would cause a family to have a vertical mobility, but it can be upward of down ward.
                Poverty is known as the life style below standard in that society. The minimum income is known as the poverty level.  In the US the risk of being poor depends on the sex, age, and racial group.  Depending on the economic group the life expectancy can vary as well as life can change to the point someone can rise in the economic status. Some of the behaviors of a social group can vary but there are very strong coincidences in behavior by those in the same economic status. Before the solution for poverty was known as transfer of payments were the government distributed recourses in various parts of society but now it is education.
                There is a problem when the working people are the poor but that is how the world has been designed by the human rulers that have used their power to ensure the ones that can make change have power and recourses over those who only wish to work. The poverty present is the result of complicating the economical growth of the world by increasing the requirements and cost to obtain then. In the cast system no one can grow from their status but at least one can be given some little insurance that one would not decrease. Hope is great but unless education is given in a way that everyone gets enough to work in an over the poverty level there will be no point for hope to prevail. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

chapter 8 Deviance and social control

                Every one is different in this world even when this is true it is still hard to accept every one. The reason is because in our society there are rules of behavior that if not fallowed to a certain level it would cause a disturbance.  The disturbances are deviances and they have an important function in society that helps the community. The different types of theories of how and why these deviances appear have a vast amount of similarities. There are also a the problem that some deviances become crimes that need punishment.
                 The stigma, social disgrace given to certain deviances, can influence the decisions of treatment. The clarifying norms are the boundaries made to maintain order while allowing certain deviances to stay or appear. The deviances cause stigmas which cause individuals to unite as well as the people that do not approve those deviances. Some of the emotions that people feel have to be expressed as deviance. As well as it promotes social change in a group. In another positive deviances allow for others to benefit from how some individuals have become a threat to society causing a need to contain them or finding them like the people that study criminology.
                The functionalist point of view of why there are deviances is that they are a natural growth for humanity. As well as they appear when the norms are unclear known as anomie. The conflict perspective is that the deviances are able to change society so this means that they appear because they are needed to ensure a social growth. The control theory made by the Interactionist perspective says it is a natural occurrence. The cultural theory believes that it is learned, Different association is its core. The labeling theory instead concentrates on what causes individuals to be labeled as deviances.
                A crime is a deviance condemned by the ones in power. There are three types of crimes violent that involve damage of individuals. Property that involves damage or theft. Victimless were only the criminal is hurt. White collar were rich are committing crimes. The finally the organized crime were a crime syndicate that concentrate on  a professional controlled crime.  When the crime is committed a punishment is assigned by the police who arrest, the court who judges the crime, and the corrections that punish the crime. The reason they punish is to correct, recidivism and to ensure that the individual can renter the society.
                Careless the fact that deviance can be both positive and negative give proof that there are good and bad aspects in every part of society. Even when there are stigmas to separate the people that commit deviances it also forms groups that can create jobs. All the theories believe that they have an important or natural part of the social growth.  Hope fully the future will not involve more crime by those who organize them self to ensure success as well as the white collar crimes, but criminology will grow to the point they will be easier to prevent.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

chapter 6-7 Adolescence and Adulthood

                The concepts of the transitions of age are based originally on status. The difference between a kid and an adult is easily seen but there is a resent change in which the individual is too young to work to work buy too old to act as a child. Adolescents have multiple problems and concepts that cause this invention to create a blurring between them and their next stage of life known as adulthood. Even though the teenager years have a lot to offer adult hood has a larger amount of changes and concepts. The female and male changes are different as well as their aging problems easily cause different results to upper. Finally the working stage of life has a large impact on the individual’s life.
                The idea of adolescence begun in the industrial revolution were kids gained jobs instead of education and could sustain themselves instead of belonging to a family. Soon this caused an age for legal working to began to ensure a proper education could be given. The age at which children turn in to teens is when they are 13 or 14, when puberty the changes to allow sexual reproduction to start. In these years biological growth caused by hormones begin. Parents and teachers ask more from teens than before. This combined with the physical changes make teens feel as if everything is crucial. Many teens see that they do not have a status in their life so a search begins to find their self begins. Anticipatory socialization  tends to happen in this years as a to prepare foe their future adult life in a work environment. In the search for their future job and identity many adolescents end up finding them in trouble. Sex tends to attract them and cause them to become parents and loss their education. The drugs, are chemicals that change mood, behavior or consciousness, cause violence and addiction that can end in arrest. Drugs are used to socialize but the truth is that the attachment to society, social integration, in other cases causes individuals to commit suicide because they do not fit in.                                                                                                                                                   
                To become an adult many believe it is based on age but it can happen in between 17 to 32 known as the novice phase. The adult life of women is mostly based on relation this can take place in the sense of marriage or dating, a romantic engagement. This was created after world war one when teens received a mode of transportation and places to go. This is more for entertainment and to maintain a social status called homogamy, not like courtship that ends in marriage. The male adulthood is concentrated on what they have started in terms of work. The adult life is divides in three stages early, middle and late adulthood era. The early is between 17 to 39, middle between 40 to 59, and late is from 65 to above. In the early adult hood individuals find mentors, individuals who may teach and guide them. To begin adulthood the first phase is to leave the family, the second is to start working, and finally to continue life after the children are grown.
                A crucial part of adulthood is the profession, which is a status that requires skill in an art obtained through practice. To not be employed means not having the means to sustain the life of the family members or the individuals own. The unemployment is dangerous as well as its rate. There is large amount diversity when it comes to an occupation. The current job has a relatively high satisfaction. After this it is possible to enjoy the young, middle, and old –old . in this time people enjoy retirement while they go through the poses for death. In a rare case individuals suffer from Alzheimer’s that take their control from their body. In any case it creates dependency in the young , but there are multiple possibilities.
Aging is a beautiful a confusing experience. It can cause multiple confusing experiences but it does not mean that it will all be horrible. The dependencies only allow individuals to be relived from their past work. Even drugs can’t absorb the possible opportunities that the future offers. So the only end is the awaiting future.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

chapter 5 Socializing the individual

As intelligence, personality’s origin is unknown. How and way every individual has different interests, beliefs, behavior and values has puzzled many since it is divided in two sides nurture and nature. These are the answers for the question of the origin of personality in an individual. Through time sociologists have studied the isolated children who have had little to no contact with the social groups. To fix the damage to an individual or to add information to an individual’s personality to replace the undesired traits they are sent to an agent of socialization to change them to a certain standard of ideals values, beliefs and behavior. The idea that the agents of socialization works is based on nurture, and the social self origin ideas.
The debate of nature and nurture is based on whether people are mostly affected by their genetics or their experience. The heredity the traits passed down by generations through the genetic of the parents. Some of these traits are instincts that are uncontrolled reactions. In sociobiology the idea is that traits are what create what is called personality. Heredity is thought to have an important part in the development of the individual, the genetic aptitude to learn a skill could lead to a particular area of an individual’s personality. The order of birth can influence the decisions as well as the characteristics of parents because they affect the treatment change to the development of the individual just as much as the culture environment dose.
                The agents of socialization are in charge of making individuals that work in the society. These are family, peer group, schools, and the mass media that work after and when an individual is Resocializased, which breaks their experience, this can happen in total institutions. Well these agents are not part of the life of individuals feral children, children that wild or untamed, are formed. In an example Anna was locked in the attic with minimum social interact while she had little food like Isabella the only difference was that Isabelle was lucky to be rescued in time to survive and caught up with her age expectations while deaf, Anna died at an age of ten after her rescue and Genie had human interaction but it was painful.
                The social self of the individual theories are three. Locke made the tabula rasa that say that the experience creates the personality of the individual. Cooley theories that the personality is the result of the individual’s belief of the opinion of others this was called looking-glass self based on how we use others to create our personality. Mead created the role taking idea that states that what others believe one is what one becomes.

                Care less of how obtain our personality the mystery will be debated because there is always a large one that will have a say in the mater. If we are more biological than experience then hopefully we will find faster ways to fix multiple problems in terms of the personalities. This is incredible when seen from because the point of view of how it most feels when one remembers the transformation of our personality over the years. That is what make the question dose it change because of experience or because our instincts adapts to the situation.