Wednesday, March 20, 2013

chapter 9 Social stratification

In society we wish we could all de equal. The truth is that in every system there are social stratifications, that are the different types of class that change in society. There are two types of social stratification but they share the same dimensions that help categorize the class, the reason class appear is unknown but theories have appeared. In the USA the class system has different levels that allow for a socioeconomic growth. The largest and most complicated problem for the economy is in the end poverty as it is present in the social and cultural aspect of a group but more important is that it is harmful when there are too many individuals forming part of this group.     
                The cast system is known in India because the main characteristic is that the rewards and distribution is based on a prescribed on status. Before endogamy was dominated, to marry based only with those with the same status, but now exogamy, to marry outside the status, is practiced as an alternative. In the class system the individuals have a control over their status which brings them resources and rewards. There are two types of individuals in this system the bourgeoisie that have the resources to produce and the proletarian that are the ones that work. The dimensions of stratification are wealth: their valuables, power: their ability to control, and prestige: respect and honor that others recognize that is part of their socioeconomic status. The functionalist believe this appears because certain roles have to be performed be some. Conflict theory is that the exploitation of individuals causes stratification.
                In the United States there are six classes. Upper classes, upper middle class, lower middle class, working class, working poor and the underclass that are the lowest in the system. There is social movement that can be horizontal in which jobs of the same status are exchanged, or they can be vertical were jobs with different status are exchanged. In an intergenerational mobility would cause a family to have a vertical mobility, but it can be upward of down ward.
                Poverty is known as the life style below standard in that society. The minimum income is known as the poverty level.  In the US the risk of being poor depends on the sex, age, and racial group.  Depending on the economic group the life expectancy can vary as well as life can change to the point someone can rise in the economic status. Some of the behaviors of a social group can vary but there are very strong coincidences in behavior by those in the same economic status. Before the solution for poverty was known as transfer of payments were the government distributed recourses in various parts of society but now it is education.
                There is a problem when the working people are the poor but that is how the world has been designed by the human rulers that have used their power to ensure the ones that can make change have power and recourses over those who only wish to work. The poverty present is the result of complicating the economical growth of the world by increasing the requirements and cost to obtain then. In the cast system no one can grow from their status but at least one can be given some little insurance that one would not decrease. Hope is great but unless education is given in a way that everyone gets enough to work in an over the poverty level there will be no point for hope to prevail. 

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