Tuesday, March 19, 2013

chapter 8 Deviance and social control

                Every one is different in this world even when this is true it is still hard to accept every one. The reason is because in our society there are rules of behavior that if not fallowed to a certain level it would cause a disturbance.  The disturbances are deviances and they have an important function in society that helps the community. The different types of theories of how and why these deviances appear have a vast amount of similarities. There are also a the problem that some deviances become crimes that need punishment.
                 The stigma, social disgrace given to certain deviances, can influence the decisions of treatment. The clarifying norms are the boundaries made to maintain order while allowing certain deviances to stay or appear. The deviances cause stigmas which cause individuals to unite as well as the people that do not approve those deviances. Some of the emotions that people feel have to be expressed as deviance. As well as it promotes social change in a group. In another positive deviances allow for others to benefit from how some individuals have become a threat to society causing a need to contain them or finding them like the people that study criminology.
                The functionalist point of view of why there are deviances is that they are a natural growth for humanity. As well as they appear when the norms are unclear known as anomie. The conflict perspective is that the deviances are able to change society so this means that they appear because they are needed to ensure a social growth. The control theory made by the Interactionist perspective says it is a natural occurrence. The cultural theory believes that it is learned, Different association is its core. The labeling theory instead concentrates on what causes individuals to be labeled as deviances.
                A crime is a deviance condemned by the ones in power. There are three types of crimes violent that involve damage of individuals. Property that involves damage or theft. Victimless were only the criminal is hurt. White collar were rich are committing crimes. The finally the organized crime were a crime syndicate that concentrate on  a professional controlled crime.  When the crime is committed a punishment is assigned by the police who arrest, the court who judges the crime, and the corrections that punish the crime. The reason they punish is to correct, recidivism and to ensure that the individual can renter the society.
                Careless the fact that deviance can be both positive and negative give proof that there are good and bad aspects in every part of society. Even when there are stigmas to separate the people that commit deviances it also forms groups that can create jobs. All the theories believe that they have an important or natural part of the social growth.  Hope fully the future will not involve more crime by those who organize them self to ensure success as well as the white collar crimes, but criminology will grow to the point they will be easier to prevent.  

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