Monday, April 22, 2013

chapter 14 Education and religion

                As more and more information is created less individuals are able to learn all that is known. In many cultures parents pass down their knowledge to their children who will gain spiritual guides by their religion. This is why in a large and diverse society like countries education plays a major role to ensure everyone knows around the same. This can sometimes have a conflict with religion as well as it can work together. This can be seen in public catholic school.
                Education is the methods to pass information from one generation to the next. The purpose of education varies depending the perspective. According to the functionalist education teaches skills, transmits culture, integrates individuals and it guides individuals into an occupation. The conflict perspectives believe is controls individuals with a hidden curriculum and tracking individuals with different education programs this also cause create an educational and socioeconomic difference. The internationalists believe that education aid the self fulfilling prophesies that can be positive and negative. This can be related to religion and their function. Religion create coherence or in other words bonds between individuals, as well as it controls their followers by teaching some actions are profane and what they should to is the sacred acts they dictate. An extra is the emotional support made by the bonds.
                After the education reform the quality of education increased. This lead to an increase of graduates. Some use public schools that are paid by taxes. Some choose charter school that is private. This is an alternative in the school choice that is also composed of home school were parents teach their kids.  The reason some prefer home school is because school violence is present and the zero tolerance has failed in their area or they fear their children will have bad influences. As well as the English language has been diminished by the diversity in cultural and linguistic were parents teach their children a language that is reinforced more that English this creates a bilingual education.
                Religion has rituals that are patterns of behavior that are followed. Different religious beliefs are animism. The beliefs in mystical spirits that can have shamanism where there is a shaman or totemism were animals and humans have kinship. The second belief is theism that is the amounts of deities were mono is one supreme deity, and poly is a group of multiple deities. The third and last of the beliefs is ethicalism based on a set of values. The organization can be ecclesia with a kinship, denomination like a church, a sect with a small group and a leader, or cults were their beliefs are different from largest religions. The USA government still has religious affiliations and religious participation.
                As the demand for equality in knowledge and other areas have not been met it is easy to notice how easy it is for many to miss opportunities passed on their economic status. Even when religion can provide a certain degree of education it will control and eliminate the information that differ with their teachings, that is why as a culture more and more individuals must help to increase the equality in education. 

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