Tuesday, April 16, 2013

chapter 12 Family

                The initiation into society starts or should start in a family. The family system has a complex system of and function. The core of a family are the union of the parents this is known as marriage, there is a process as well as disruptions in marriages. The greatest problems are the trends created by the increase of disruptions.
                Family is a group of individuals who are related by blood or by law. The family orientation is the nuclear family the individual is born or adopted into, that is composed of siblings and parents. The family of procreation is the individual and his or her spouse plus their children. The extended family in the other hand would include the grandparents. The kinship consists of multiple individuals related to each other. The family is responsible to make the sexual taboo between family members. The creation of more family members, the socialization of the new members, plus the economic and emotional security.
                Marriage are the set of rules that are followed by a couple. There are two types of partnerships monogamy we there is only a pair and polygamy were there are more than one partner for an individual. In polygamy if a man have multiple spouses it is called polygyny but if it were a women it would be polyandry. An important part of a family is which grandparent family they are closest to. If it was the parents it is patrilocality, if it was the mother then is a matrilocality, and if they are close to both then it is a bilocality, but if they were far from both then it is a neolocality. How the property is passed down is patrilineal when it is passed from father to son, matrilineal mother to daughter and bilateral descent when it goes to any. Certain is marriages are based on homogamy (same age, status, religion and race)  and others on heterogamy (different opinions).
                Family violence affects the children and the mother because it affects their psychological and physical state. This can lead to divorce that separates parents. This can happen in dual –earning families.  The resent problems created a trend of delayed marriages, delayed childbearing creating a sandwich generation,  voluntary childlessness, dual –earning marriages, one-parent families and remarriage. This affects the family house hold the mental state of children. As more families follow this trends and create broken homes with broken families less individuals will follow the home making procedures required to create a stable family.
                Family is the most important aspect of society since without it the first years of life depend on guidance. Family provides social guidance and without it individuals run the risk of failing as parents and being failed as children by the system. The fact that violence and divorce are common shows that better surrogate parents must be made as well as the structure of teaching who to make and maintain a family. Chair less of partner number or reasons to unite the society needs stability from the core.  

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