Saturday, February 2, 2013

chapter 3 cultural conformity and adaptation

Cultural diversity is the result of the different technology, language and values. There are rules and ways by which these cultures are studied. The different cultures are mostly used to find the similarities whether it is in their norms or life style. The different norms with in a culture can sometimes create sub cultures.
                A culture is composed of the material, which are the objects that allow people to interact and the non material that are the concepts or values that the individuals share. The components of culture in the other hand are the different interactions. Technology is the tools used that require skill, which require the information to be passed down. Language is the medium with which the information is passed  down.  Values are the important ideas and concepts that are used and passed down to generations. The norms are a combination of different ideas and taboos that the individuals should not break in a society. The Folkways are the inner circle concepts that are considered acceptable but if broken there is no harsh punishment. Mores are the accepted behaviors that are not to be broken unless the individual wishes to be looked down by others. Laws are the severely punished taboos broken by any individual in a formalized mores way.
                To examine a culture there are three areas of important consideration. The cultural traits  that consists of their beliefs, acts and their  tools. The culture complex that is the combination of beliefs, acts, and objects.  The last important part is the cultural patters that consists of the combination of cultural complexes.  When the culture is studied to their core ideas it is possible to compare the cultures and find the cultural universal that are tools acts and beliefs shared in all cultures. This can be important because in societies far apart have similar beliefs an tradition but they don’t have that type of connection with neighbor societies. The Arapesh are focalized in unity, but the mundugumor are very separate when it comes to the same sex.  The parents of the arapesh are very united to their children, but the mundugurmor are very distant from their same sex children. That is way it is important to understand that even if the two societies are in the same area it does not mean they will be very similar in all aspects.
                When comparing cultures it is often found that many individuals will share ethnocentrism that consists in the belief that the culture one belongs is superior to the rest of the cultures, in at least one occasion everyone has felt this. Some times to change this feeling when studying a different culture one has to use cultural relativism that consists that other cultures should not judge other cultures with their standards but instead the studied culture standards. Counter cultures are formed when a subculture, a small group that has a slight variation in the opinion from the main culture, rebels against an idea from the main stream.
                The diversity in a culture is formed by the different subculture that allows change and advances in life stills. Even though a culture or subcultures have different standards of life does not mean they are superior or inferior to the main and to your culture. Just as Whorf’s hypothesis of language molding the minds of their people and making them pensive the world differently, the diversity of cultures allow us to see a different ways to see the world. 

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