Saturday, February 2, 2013

chapter 2 cultural diversity

As the social sciences evolved and separated certain branches started specifying in certain areas of the human interaction. Sociology is the branch that emphasizes on the way societies large or small interact and divides each other to work and accomplish a goal. In the beginning few sociologists had ground breaking theories of how society works. The exception were five pioneers who’s minds created or related information to find answers of the mysteries of society. In the modern days most of these ideas have been adapted or erased and replaced by the three perspectives that represent sociology.
                Sociology is far fair and close to all social sciences since they all share the interests in the human behavior. Psychology has a branch for sociology only they consentrate how dose these societies affect the individual when sociology cares more of how people or other factors affect the society. Economics check the desire to obtain the needs and wants in a group but sociology sees how the wants and needs  are changing  in a grope over time as they shift what is important. Many other of the social sciences over lap since there is always the main focuses that is the human interaction that happens in a  groupe that create other areas of interest for the investigators of society.
As sociology started to plant its roots into the independent science, some philosophers started to create potential truths of society its self. Auguste Conte was the creator of the term statics, the simple takes or areas that keep society together, and dynamics that is the change in society. An example of this is how the power of desire keeps teams together and the dynamic would be how this desire changes from item to item. Herbert Spencer instead used Darwin discovery to create Social Darwinism. This idea was that society only increases its complexity over time. For example the simple dinner MacDonald’s started small and began to grow into a fast food giant with strong rules instead of everything being handled by the boss morals. Karl Marx by studied the French revolution he concluded that in society there are the rich and the working class, this always will lead to conflict which are god since an agreement is made to ensure progress. Emile Durkheim concentrated in function was to understand a society first the function of each area has to be understood. Max Weber was the one who used the ideal type, the search of part in different in society to find its core, to understand Verstehen a tem made for the study of what caused certain actions by pleasing ones self in their place.
There are three perspectives Functionalist, Conflict, and Interactionist. Functionalists believe in efficiency that is way they check for dysfunctional elements that disrupt hoe society works. The way it is by checking their functions, manifest and the latent, the manifest is the intended function like communicating in far distances with a phone, and a latent would be facilitating the propagations of information. The conflict theory is inspired by Karl Marx theory, which is way they see any struggle more like a face that society has to overcome to grow. Interactionist looks to find what the most important ideas for each society are. Specifically what concepts they give symbols. Symbols are like letters images that represent something different.
After the long journey and constant rivalry with other social sciences sociology has finally a place. This can only mean more advances and concepts of how and why societies work. Even if it is by social evolution or  conflict it grows society varies creating endless possibilities when mixed. That is why for sociology to stop and dry the fountain of opportunities it has it will have to end human society as it is known.  

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