society is the result of multiple individuals that interact together there is a
social factor that consists on the union of a group of people that gather in a
location, there are multiple of explanations for the gatherings. The reason of
why this happens can depend on the different opinions and influences. The
social movements that can be defined and explained by the gatherings and
opinions, as well as classified. There
is a cycle to every successful movement.
Crowd is the unions of individuals that
do not necessary interact with each other like groups. Mobs and riots are
groups of individuals that become violent. Panic
is the response to a dangerous situation in a small area. Mass hysteria is the fear reaction spread over an area. Fashion and fad are trends that alter
the opinion of the individuals in an area.
Rumors and urban legends are stories to maintain a tradition and fear of
doing immoral actions. Public opinion
is the sum of the most common ideas. The contagion
theory consists on crowds work because they attract people to give of their
individualism. Emergent-norm theory
instead teaches that crowds make norms and behavior pointless. Value-added theory
says that the gathering creates new values to the participants.
Reactionary movements are a response
against certain movements that have started. Conservative is to maintain traditions or old norms and systems. Revisionary is to improve rules. Revolutionary is to change the system. The relative deprivation theory states
that movements are caused because there is oppression and a neglecting to a
certain group. Resource theory says
that movements require moralization and money.
There are
four steps in the cycle of successful social movements. Agitation is the start when the purpose or inspiration for the
change. Legitimation the process of turning
the movement in to a respectable quest. Bureaucratization
is the results of the movement were it becomes a law. After the movement is part
of the laws more individuals can get us to the idea this result is known as institutionalization in which people no
longer feel the change.
In the
social order it is complicated for equality this causes many to unite to maintain
or change this order. The different types of unions as diverse as they are it
are the result of the injustice and comfort of the world. Even as the way of
change happens many react negatively or over react to the fear of everything
being the way it discomforts them. The types of reactions are vast and have
valid points yet the explanation can be confusing because some have holes to certain
movements that started and ended decently without recourses or reason to occur.
Forgetting this detail it is very common for a certain cycle to be followed
which happens to every successful movement. Every movement that has success
help advance society. That is why it is very important to allow change to
improve the social system that governs multiple individuals who could have been
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