As the year end many memories are
flowing as if every moment was a single event. Even when there were moments in
which what was learned seemed irrelevant or simple logic, it would later prove
that it is actually present in everyday life. Many of the moments are the ones
that can be treasured like the activities associated with the lessons and their
importance. How and why crowds, teen’s, adults, and concepts in the social
interest change. The way that the
different perspectives agree in the little details but disagree in the overall
concept of the value of certain social components and dividers like mass media,
health care, and other important and basic resources. This year a lot as been
learned but the teaching technique was a balance of self taught and class
review. As a student that believes that one can learn any information with
determination and access to the internet I can conclude that the articles were
a useful way to practice what was learned. Over all may this year be an example
of how many other years can be done for this class for the exception of an
increase of daily class involvement.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Arab spring
The Arab spring is an example of
how the pressed will innovate to ensure the needed change to regain their lost
rights. This movement was a chain reaction that began in a small town were the
corruption was to great which caused many more to rebel. This event can be
explained by the conflict theory because the social difference over came many
difficulties and even resembles the reasons for many other revolutions. The
success of the movement can be seen as part of the relative deprivation theory
but in reality it matches more with the resource mobilization theory because of
how it was successful and the union of the different classes that felt the
operation and used their resources to ensure the movements efficiently
The Arab
spring was the result of a wide spread event in which a young seller burned
himself because he could no longer withstand the corruption of the police.
Based on the fact that the event was not reported many manifested with the
discontent of not knowing why did they allow something so horrible to happen
and in the end the authorities made a violent assault that was filled allowing
many to see the corruption. The events inspired those with a higher social level
to help them this lead to useful resources like intelligent people who had
ideas of how to make the movement successful. The triumph of the movement lead to
a similar revolution to happen in Egypt the largest difference was that not all
had the access to the internet and cell phones. They were able to overcome the disadvantage
as did all the other future movements.
to the conflict theory the oppression to a group by reducing the resources will
lead to a revolution. This can be seen as each of these countries was depraved
from freedom of speech and unfair treatment. This can be seen in the origins
and the strengthening presses that helped the revolution to begin and to succeed.
Over all the opening that allowed the Arab community to see how unfair they
were treated was unmistakably the endurance that the dictators could not defeat
the movement’s success. According to Marx the movement happened because those
with recourse were not balanced with those that work.
The mobilization theory states that
the success of a movement is directly dependent on the ability to move the resources
that are people, smart people and other crucial components for a revolution. This
is seen as the success was the communication between those that had a good
concept of how to ensure the success of the moment and those needed to ensure. Even
when Egypt did not have enough support from those that were able to have the
needed knowledge were later helped by the original revolutionary movement.
The overall success proves that
even when the connection disconnects us from others in real life it aids the connection
to those who we would not expect help. As
the life’s were taken it is a reminder of how people are willing to sacrifice
their lives to ensure freedom over the oppressing hand of corruption. Even in the darkest moments there is light in
the theories of who and why this movements start and end because they state we
can all work for it.
Friday, May 17, 2013
chapter 18 Social change and modernization
The social actualization is the
way many groups improve their interaction between individuals and moral
standards. These improvements are made by social changes in the overall
standards of the social life. There are
multiple theories of how this these changes begin. In total there are four popular concepts of
how and why society changes. Cyclical, evolutionary, equilibrium, and conflict
are the four theories. Care less of why they change modernization has a process
with two theories of how exactly it happens. In life there is always a consequence
for every action for modernization it is the same some are beneficial others
are in a grey area.
Cyclical theory states that a
social change is caused by a cycle of growth and de decay. This is a point of
view of historians’, as it can be noticed throughout history. Pitirim Sorokin
said that it was more of a fluctuation because of the different cultures: Ideational,
sensational, and idealistic. He said it was because social desire to move to either
culture causes change that is way it was a principle of imminent change. The evolutionary
theory believes that this change is causes by the natural movement of society
to become more complex. The origins of
this theory are from Charles Darwin, but the current theory believes there are exceptions
of the step process social groups go through.
In the equilibrium theory like
the name it is theorized that the social equilibrium is like a living organism
that tries to maintain a balance so that change is more of a process to restore
the balance. The conflict theory is very different because it believes in the
constant struggle between those that have and those that do. This means that
there will always be a struggle that ends in conflict. Making social change to
improve the unbalanced society.
The modernization theory
consists in the concepts that industrialization is the first step to modernize
the social structure of a country. The world
system theory is from the point of view of the economy. The core nation
consists on the most power full countries and the peripheral nations are those
that have a weaker economy with the middle nations known as semiperipheral. The
consequences of modernization are increase in products and economical growth,
yet the disadvantages are mostly alienation from physical interaction and a
lack of human care.
In the end modernization can bring many of the
benefits we can’t even imagine living without. There are multiple reasons of
way we change to obtain these benefits but in the end many values most be preserved
to ensure less pointless conflicts arise when it is clear that it could be
solved in one strike. The alienation from others is not what change should be
used for instead it should be used to join people together to keep helping improve
all the unbalances in this complicated society. Even from the economical changes
it is important to remember that every aspect of society can improve over time
as well as it can instead decline.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
chapter17 Collective behavior and social movements
society is the result of multiple individuals that interact together there is a
social factor that consists on the union of a group of people that gather in a
location, there are multiple of explanations for the gatherings. The reason of
why this happens can depend on the different opinions and influences. The
social movements that can be defined and explained by the gatherings and
opinions, as well as classified. There
is a cycle to every successful movement.
Crowd is the unions of individuals that
do not necessary interact with each other like groups. Mobs and riots are
groups of individuals that become violent. Panic
is the response to a dangerous situation in a small area. Mass hysteria is the fear reaction spread over an area. Fashion and fad are trends that alter
the opinion of the individuals in an area.
Rumors and urban legends are stories to maintain a tradition and fear of
doing immoral actions. Public opinion
is the sum of the most common ideas. The contagion
theory consists on crowds work because they attract people to give of their
individualism. Emergent-norm theory
instead teaches that crowds make norms and behavior pointless. Value-added theory
says that the gathering creates new values to the participants.
Reactionary movements are a response
against certain movements that have started. Conservative is to maintain traditions or old norms and systems. Revisionary is to improve rules. Revolutionary is to change the system. The relative deprivation theory states
that movements are caused because there is oppression and a neglecting to a
certain group. Resource theory says
that movements require moralization and money.

There are
four steps in the cycle of successful social movements. Agitation is the start when the purpose or inspiration for the
change. Legitimation the process of turning
the movement in to a respectable quest. Bureaucratization
is the results of the movement were it becomes a law. After the movement is part
of the laws more individuals can get us to the idea this result is known as institutionalization in which people no
longer feel the change.
In the
social order it is complicated for equality this causes many to unite to maintain
or change this order. The different types of unions as diverse as they are it
are the result of the injustice and comfort of the world. Even as the way of
change happens many react negatively or over react to the fear of everything
being the way it discomforts them. The types of reactions are vast and have
valid points yet the explanation can be confusing because some have holes to certain
movements that started and ended decently without recourses or reason to occur.
Forgetting this detail it is very common for a certain cycle to be followed
which happens to every successful movement. Every movement that has success
help advance society. That is why it is very important to allow change to
improve the social system that governs multiple individuals who could have been
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
chapter 16 Population and urbanization
The amount
of individuals in a society is crucial to understand the future of a society
the same as their location that determines how they separate and divide the
social class. To start to understand the population is their change, which have
been explained by Malthusian and demographic transition. Without controlling
population the cities evolve. There is also an urban ecology and city life.
To start
measuring the population change the birth
rate composed of the amount of live births divided by the total births
times a thousand, this depends on the fertility
and the fecundity. Death rate depends on the amount of
deaths divided by the total population times a thousand that is made by infant
mortality and the expectancy. Migration
rate is made of the number of people that enter a country. When combined
that gives the growth rate. Some countries
have an exponential growth that doubles others stay the same in the worst case
it decreases. Malthusian created a theory that dictates there will always be famine
and a poor class because of the over population. The transition theory instead believes
that for a society will improve its population growth after a 50 years with a
good health care.
Many governments
have notices that their population has a harmful change that has to be controlled.
Many have an over population creating a need for family planning this can lead
to a financial improvement caused by the lack of having to pay for more
children than what they can handle. Other countries like Russia instead try to
make people to have more children. As cities depend on location and number of
individuals many cities before
industries were near bodies of water that could provide for the people. Now the
new cities are around the preindustrial cities and use other methods to obtain water
and no longer depend on the body of water.
Urban ecology
is the study of the interactions in urban areas that have divided the types of
city structures. Concentric zone were the work is in the sector and in the
outer layers there is the wealthier class. Sector model has work in the middle
but the residential can varies. The multiple nuclei model is instead a mess
with different areas and locations that do not always work. There are three
theories of how to explain the social life. Urban anomie were people fight because of the small and compacted society,
cosmopolitan were people can actually
work together and subculture were
people join based on common interest.
The population of an area is never
constant of peaceful because of how the social structure based on the economy
alters values and ideals. People need to reproduce to maintain the human race
but the poor class is the one that ensures low prices which in term causes them
to have more children to share the burden even when it only creates more poverty.
We need change. Change only happens when people want and understand the change
that is needed.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
chapter 15 Science and mass media
is an important aspect of society because it gives insights of the advances and
problems of society. One of the most rapid growing means to discover information
of the world is science. The history of science that leads to multiple changes
of social structures and relations is fundamental to understand the present
science. With these new systems and during the renaissance the mass media grew
in an exponential form. The only negative are the terrible side effects like the
jealousy and inequality.
Science started in Greece with
math, physics, astronomy, and biology/medicine. After the fall of Rome the
Catholic Church and the economy silenced the scientific research. the renaissances began a resurgence of science
with the scientific method and gained
power after the 1800s with the industrialization. Modern science has multiple
branches and specialty, norms are expected to be followed and has a scientific
community to ensure norms were followed during experiment before being
accepted. These norms are the judgments based on creating equality ,Organized skepticism: All scientist
discoveries can be questioned and re-test, Communalism:
the discovery belongs to the scientist society and will be shared in the
scientist society, Disinterestedness:
scientist must look for the truth not individual gain, Counter norms: if the research has a controversial or not well
defined the research will be judged by mental state.
Mass media: method to communicate that reaches multiple
individuals. Writing and paper:
Sumerians with writing, Egyptians with papyrus. The printing press in Europe in
1400ad. The industrial age: the
industrial age multiplied the speed of the printing press and soon after the
news paper, radios, and movies. Computer
and information society: the invention of the internet caused the creation
of digital society that exchanges information and social economic activities. The
mass media of the usa is Print media:
news papers books and magazines, Audio:
sound records, and radio, Visual media:
movies, television, CD’s, and videocassettes, Online media: anything that is found. Convergence: areas with “media convergence” that is where to areas
of media colliding and combines.
The problems of science are Fraud: researchers fake or tamper their
results, Competition: the desire to
obtain fame and money causes scientists to block their information that way no
one can copy their experiment, This causes rushed research. Matthew effect: the credit of the
experiment goes to the most famous member instead of the group. Conflictive views: different theories
on reality are used in some experiments that alter the method and ideas. The perspectives
of mass media are Functionalist:
society runs smoother because individuals know what is happening, and Conflict: distract individuals with
merchandise reducing the possibility that individuals notice and do something
about the inequality. Which cause a knowledge-gap: caused by the economic difference
this is known as digital divide. The mass media is known for children having
access to violence, less contact with others, and a decrease in social capital.
It also makes a spiral of silence:
were a group silences those with different opinion and allows Gatekeepers to
select only a part of the information to be.
Science and information are the
reason for social change and improvement. The problems come from all directions
because none of these areas are perfect. From the conflict that are neutralize
create a greater revolution because eventually a very one is able to communicate.
Even with the errors science overcomes they as well as those that depend on the
mass media.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
chapter 13 The economy and politics
The economy
and politics control the present and future of a society. Even though each has
power over individuals they both depend in each other. This can be seen in the
economic system and the legitimacy of power a government possesses. There are
different economies and the American capitalism is a result of multiple
mixtures between socialism and capitalism with a strong base of capitalism. Politics
are not so different there is a variety of governments and the USA has an
interesting system of democracy with multiple rules.
The economic institution is the way that a society
governs the production of goods. The factors
of production are the resources needed to manufacture the products. There are
three sectors of the economic system the primary
is the raw materials, secondary manufactures
products, and tertiary provides services.
The other way to see it is preindustrial where the economy is based on the
extraction of resources or agriculture. Industrial were the economy buys the
product of preindustrial economies to create products. Postindustrial is a society that sales information
or are based on e companies. Power is
the ability to control others. Authority
is normally is where people follow because they followed their status before. Rational-legal
authority is power vested by the government. Charismatic authority is power
given to those based on how much a group agrees with the individual. Coercion is
illegitimate power because the law does not allow it and people do not agree
with them.

Capitalism is where individuals control
the production instead of the government. The why the economy is regulated by
supply were people make more because they can charge more and demand were
people buy more when the price decreases. The French call free-enterprise laissez-faire capitalism because the government barely
gets involved. In socialism the
government controls the production. Communism
is normal is socialism that can lead to totalitarianism were power is exercised
over citizen. The American economy is mostly capitalist were corporations are
owned by few and they are protected in the USA and are multinational and have

There are
three types of government democracy
were the people have a say, monarchy
that is where an individual has the power un less there is a constitution in which the people have a
say and the monarch approves, and authoritarian
in which were the state has the power as
dictatorship, junta, or absolute monarchy. In the USA there is democracy
but individual companies have power over certain candidates.
In the current
ways of government and economy it is easy to see that the problem is the free
enterprise. There should be regulations on profit to ensure companies do not
have the ability to control or over through governments. The fact that pure
capitalist and socialist economies do not exist shows that a balance most be
found between democracy and free enterprise that persuade individuals with the
propaganda that they are able to give to the individuals who will do their bidding
corrupting laws and more.
Monday, April 22, 2013
chapter 14 Education and religion
As more
and more information is created less individuals are able to learn all that is
known. In many cultures parents pass down their knowledge to their children who
will gain spiritual guides by their religion. This is why in a large and diverse
society like countries education plays a major role to ensure everyone knows
around the same. This can sometimes have a conflict with religion as well as it
can work together. This can be seen in public catholic school.
is the methods to pass information from one generation to the next. The purpose
of education varies depending the perspective. According to the functionalist
education teaches skills, transmits culture, integrates individuals and it
guides individuals into an occupation. The conflict perspectives believe is controls
individuals with a hidden curriculum
and tracking individuals with different education programs this also cause
create an educational and socioeconomic difference. The internationalists
believe that education aid the self fulfilling prophesies that can be positive
and negative. This can be related to religion and their function. Religion create
coherence or in other words bonds between individuals, as well as it controls
their followers by teaching some actions are profane and what they should to is
the sacred acts they dictate. An extra is the emotional support made by the
After the
education reform the quality of education increased. This lead to an increase
of graduates. Some use public schools that are paid by taxes. Some choose charter school that is private. This is
an alternative in the school choice
that is also composed of home school
were parents teach their kids. The reason
some prefer home school is because school violence is present and the zero tolerance has failed in their area
or they fear their children will have bad influences. As well as the English language
has been diminished by the diversity in cultural and linguistic were parents
teach their children a language that is reinforced more that English this creates
a bilingual education.
has rituals that are patterns of
behavior that are followed. Different religious beliefs are animism. The beliefs in mystical spirits
that can have shamanism where there is
a shaman or totemism were animals and humans have kinship. The second belief is
theism that is the amounts of deities were mono is one supreme deity, and poly
is a group of multiple deities. The third and last of the beliefs is ethicalism
based on a set of values. The organization can be ecclesia with a kinship, denomination
like a church, a sect with a small
group and a leader, or cults were their beliefs are different from largest
religions. The USA government still has religious affiliations and religious
As the
demand for equality in knowledge and other areas have not been met it is easy
to notice how easy it is for many to miss opportunities passed on their economic
status. Even when religion can provide a certain degree of education it will control
and eliminate the information that differ with their teachings, that is why as
a culture more and more individuals must help to increase the equality in
chapter 11 Gender, age, and health
As individual differences separate society, more culture differs from how each group behaves. One of the ongoing rights fights are the female rights that have been diminished throughout the western culture until after WWII women started to gain the same jobs and a different stereotype. In the United States age has an important role for judgment as well as it can cause fear in terms of society. Health plays the hope card for society but recently it has become harder to obtain in the United States.
Gender is the behavior expected to be followed by a members of a certain
sex. In the gender roles the
behavior and attitudes are made or dictated by society, like house duty or hard
labor. The gender identities in the
other hand are the changing awareness. In certain culture in Africa makeup is
not only for women but for male doctors, this can be seen in other tribes in America.
As the social status for each gender is un equal the differences most be taught
from an early age. As kids many are taught that girls are delicate and that
boys are rough which has different areas that can be ambiguous like cooking
that in a house it is expected to be done by women but in restaurants by men. Many
societies are patriarchies were the
man is expected to be the head of the family. Sexism is when one gender is placed higher than the other. This has
caused women’s movements that caused women the suffrage which allowed them to
vote. Still there is an inequality for education and a wage gap that proves that
the glass ceiling is still present. An example is that working moms still are expected
to do household duties.
Ageism is
the preference of a certain age group. As the aging world grows in the grey America
more people retire. The fear is the baby boom generation which will cause the dependency
ratio to be 2 working individuals to sustain one elderly. The inequality mostly
consists of the problem for the young to sustain the old. Another inequality is
for the disabled.
In the united states health care is not provided by
the government but by the individual families. Some managed care consists on
using alternative health insurance. Recently more and more have suffered from
the rise of prize for health care causing an inequality for those with fewer
resources. This has caused unconventional medicine to grow in popularity. The largest
fear in medicine is the aids disease that weakens the defenses and is transmitted
by sex.
As the world cause differences between genders less
single moms will be able to pay for health insurance for their children and themselves.
This will only get worse as more working families will have to pay more taxes for
the baby boom generation. How much change will be needed for the social balance
to be stable after this shock hits it. Only the future can tell us.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
chapter 12 Family
initiation into society starts or should start in a family. The family system
has a complex system of and function. The core of a family are the union of the
parents this is known as marriage, there is a process as well as disruptions in
marriages. The greatest problems are the trends created by the increase of

Family is a group of individuals who
are related by blood or by law. The family
orientation is the nuclear family
the individual is born or adopted into, that is composed of siblings and
parents. The family of procreation is the individual and his or her spouse plus
their children. The extended family
in the other hand would include the grandparents. The kinship consists of multiple individuals related to each other. The
family is responsible to make the sexual taboo between family members. The creation
of more family members, the socialization of the new members, plus the economic
and emotional security.
are the set of rules that are followed by a couple. There are two types of
partnerships monogamy we there is only a pair and polygamy were there are more
than one partner for an individual. In polygamy if a man have multiple spouses
it is called polygyny but if it were a women it would be polyandry. An important
part of a family is which grandparent family they are closest to. If it was the
parents it is patrilocality, if it was the mother then is a matrilocality, and
if they are close to both then it is a bilocality, but if they were far from
both then it is a neolocality. How the property is passed down is patrilineal when
it is passed from father to son, matrilineal mother to daughter and bilateral descent
when it goes to any. Certain is marriages are based on homogamy (same age,
status, religion and race) and others on
heterogamy (different opinions).

Family violence
affects the children and the mother because it affects their psychological and physical
state. This can lead to divorce that separates parents. This can happen in dual
–earning families. The resent problems
created a trend of delayed marriages, delayed childbearing creating a sandwich
generation, voluntary childlessness,
dual –earning marriages, one-parent families and remarriage. This affects the
family house hold the mental state of children. As more families follow this
trends and create broken homes with broken families less individuals will follow
the home making procedures required to create a stable family.
Family is
the most important aspect of society since without it the first years of life depend
on guidance. Family provides social guidance and without it individuals run the
risk of failing as parents and being failed as children by the system. The fact
that violence and divorce are common shows that better surrogate parents must
be made as well as the structure of teaching who to make and maintain a family.
Chair less of partner number or reasons to unite the society needs stability
from the core.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
chapter 10 Racial and ethnic relations
The concept of race is not science.
As a society grows individuals try to find comfort in groups that share
something in common with them. The larges problem of this concept is that
groups discriminate others. By distinguishing others as superior the less
popular ethnicities and races are treated as minorities. These are the truths
of the social classes and the prejudice to those who are different.
Race is a set of traits that are recognize by others. There are
different social races that expand from there are 2 races to 200. The main
theory is that there are three race groups the Mongoloids, Engrains and Caucasoid,
but it does not apply to all the individuals of the world. In the other hand ethnicity are the people that share
opinions that distinguish them turning them into an ethnic group once others recognize
them. Many concepts of races and ethnicities cause the division in a society
the concepts of a minority group is created based on the idea that they are
less so they can be treated differently.

Once the minority group of an area
is established socially it becomes a trend to discriminate them based on their difference to the dominant race or
ethnicity. There are two types of discrimination legal and institutional
discrimination the only differences are that one would be punished and the
other is allowed. Way individuals create the weakness or bad reputation for a
group is with stereotypes to create a
concept of those individuals so that the rumors become true caused by the self –fulfilling prophecy effect. This is why racism exists, to solve it the groups must be allowed to be understood
and incorporated, because the minority groups are the scapegoats for the problems because they are different.
There are many minorities in the
social classes, races ethnic groups and economically the main reason for their existence
is that they are different and unpopular. Cultural
pluralism is allows cultures to keep traditions, allowing them to maintain their
identity. This facilitates their assimilation
because they can share it without being out cased. The problem is that some segregate the minorities with laws, de jure segregation, or with informal methods,
de facto segregation. These are methods
of subjugation in some ways it is
like mental slavery. In the worst case
this leads to genocide or ethnic cleansing. The five minorities
of the USA are the black, Hispanics, Asian, Native American and white ethnics
which are those that did not share the same beliefs as the English.
The truth of how the social
structures divide only to ensure inequality is destructive. The more it is
understood the better a society can prepare to neglect its growth. Every
ethnicity has its truths and knowledge that deserve respect. Sooner or later
the inequality will cause revolutions in the society that tend to have
violence. So less violence and more unity for the future this way we can see
the past a judge and analyze the why.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
chapter 9 Social stratification
In society we wish we could all de
equal. The truth is that in every system there are social stratifications, that are the different types of class that change
in society. There are two types of social stratification but they share the
same dimensions that help categorize the class, the reason class appear is unknown
but theories have appeared. In the USA the class system has different levels
that allow for a socioeconomic growth. The largest and most complicated problem
for the economy is in the end poverty as it is present in the social and
cultural aspect of a group but more important is that it is harmful when there
are too many individuals forming part of this group.
The cast
system is known in India because the main characteristic is that the rewards and
distribution is based on a prescribed on status. Before endogamy was dominated, to marry based only with those with the
same status, but now exogamy, to
marry outside the status, is practiced as an alternative. In the class system the
individuals have a control over their status which brings them resources and
rewards. There are two types of individuals in this system the bourgeoisie that have the resources to
produce and the proletarian that are
the ones that work. The dimensions of stratification are wealth: their valuables, power:
their ability to control, and prestige: respect and honor that others recognize
that is part of their socioeconomic status. The functionalist believe this appears
because certain roles have to be performed be some. Conflict theory is that the
exploitation of individuals causes stratification.
In the United
States there are six classes. Upper classes, upper middle class, lower middle
class, working class, working poor and the underclass that are the lowest in
the system. There is social movement that can be horizontal in which jobs of
the same status are exchanged, or they can be vertical were jobs with different
status are exchanged. In an intergenerational mobility would cause a family to
have a vertical mobility, but it can be upward of down ward.
is known as the life style below standard in that society. The minimum income
is known as the poverty level. In the US the risk of being poor depends on
the sex, age, and racial group. Depending
on the economic group the life expectancy can vary as well as life can change
to the point someone can rise in the economic status. Some of the behaviors of
a social group can vary but there are very strong coincidences in behavior by
those in the same economic status. Before the solution for poverty was known as
transfer of payments were the government distributed recourses in various parts
of society but now it is education.
There is
a problem when the working people are the poor but that is how the world has
been designed by the human rulers that have used their power to ensure the ones
that can make change have power and recourses over those who only wish to work.
The poverty present is the result of complicating the economical growth of the
world by increasing the requirements and cost to obtain then. In the cast system
no one can grow from their status but at least one can be given some little insurance
that one would not decrease. Hope is great but unless education is given in a
way that everyone gets enough to work in an over the poverty level there will
be no point for hope to prevail.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
chapter 8 Deviance and social control
Every one
is different in this world even when this is true it is still hard to accept
every one. The reason is because in our society there are rules of behavior
that if not fallowed to a certain level it would cause a disturbance. The disturbances are deviances and they have an
important function in society that helps the community. The different types of
theories of how and why these deviances appear have a vast amount of
similarities. There are also a the problem that some deviances become crimes
that need punishment.

The stigma, social disgrace given to
certain deviances, can influence the decisions of treatment. The clarifying
norms are the boundaries made to maintain order while allowing certain deviances
to stay or appear. The deviances cause stigmas which cause individuals to unite
as well as the people that do not approve those deviances. Some of the emotions
that people feel have to be expressed as deviance. As well as it promotes
social change in a group. In another positive deviances allow for others to
benefit from how some individuals have become a threat to society causing a
need to contain them or finding them like the people that study criminology.
The functionalist
point of view of why there are deviances is that they are a natural growth for
humanity. As well as they appear when the norms are unclear known as anomie. The
conflict perspective is that the deviances are able to change society so this
means that they appear because they are needed to ensure a social growth. The control
theory made by the Interactionist perspective says it is a natural occurrence. The
cultural theory believes that it is learned, Different association is its core.
The labeling theory instead concentrates on what causes individuals to be labeled
as deviances.
A crime
is a deviance condemned by the ones in power. There are three types of crimes
violent that involve damage of individuals. Property that involves damage or
theft. Victimless were only the criminal is hurt. White collar were rich are committing
crimes. The finally the organized crime were a crime syndicate that concentrate
on a professional controlled crime. When the crime is committed a punishment is assigned
by the police who arrest, the court who judges the crime, and the corrections
that punish the crime. The reason they punish is to correct, recidivism and to ensure
that the individual can renter the society.
the fact that deviance can be both positive and negative give proof that there
are good and bad aspects in every part of society. Even when there are stigmas
to separate the people that commit deviances it also forms groups that can create
jobs. All the theories believe that they have an important or natural part of
the social growth. Hope fully the future
will not involve more crime by those who organize them self to ensure success as
well as the white collar crimes, but criminology will grow to the point they
will be easier to prevent.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
chapter 6-7 Adolescence and Adulthood
concepts of the transitions of age are based originally on status. The
difference between a kid and an adult is easily seen but there is a resent
change in which the individual is too young to work to work buy too old to act
as a child. Adolescents have multiple problems and concepts that cause this
invention to create a blurring between them and their next stage of life known
as adulthood. Even though the teenager years have a lot to offer adult hood has
a larger amount of changes and concepts. The female and male changes are
different as well as their aging problems easily cause different results to
upper. Finally the working stage of life has a large impact on the individual’s
idea of adolescence begun in the industrial revolution were kids gained jobs
instead of education and could sustain themselves instead of belonging to a
family. Soon this caused an age for legal working to began to ensure a proper
education could be given. The age at which children turn in to teens is when
they are 13 or 14, when puberty the
changes to allow sexual reproduction to start. In these years biological growth
caused by hormones begin. Parents and teachers ask more from teens than before.
This combined with the physical changes make teens feel as if everything is
crucial. Many teens see that they do not have a status in their life so a
search begins to find their self begins. Anticipatory
socialization tends to happen in
this years as a to prepare foe their future adult life in a work environment.
In the search for their future job and identity many adolescents end up finding
them in trouble. Sex tends to attract them and cause them to become parents and
loss their education. The drugs, are
chemicals that change mood, behavior or consciousness, cause violence and
addiction that can end in arrest. Drugs are used to socialize but the truth is
that the attachment to society, social integration, in other cases causes
individuals to commit suicide because they do not fit in.
become an adult many believe it is based on age but it can happen in between 17
to 32 known as the novice phase. The adult life of women is mostly based on
relation this can take place in the sense of marriage or dating, a romantic engagement. This was created after world war one
when teens received a mode of transportation and places to go. This is more for
entertainment and to maintain a social status called homogamy, not like courtship
that ends in marriage. The male adulthood is concentrated on what they have
started in terms of work. The adult life is divides in three stages early,
middle and late adulthood era. The early is between 17 to 39, middle between 40
to 59, and late is from 65 to above. In the early adult hood individuals find
mentors, individuals who may teach and guide them. To begin adulthood the first
phase is to leave the family, the second is to start working, and finally to
continue life after the children are grown.
A crucial part of adulthood is
the profession, which is a status that requires skill in an art obtained
through practice. To not be employed means not having the means to sustain the
life of the family members or the individuals own. The unemployment is dangerous
as well as its rate. There is large amount diversity when it comes to an
occupation. The current job has a relatively high satisfaction. After this it
is possible to enjoy the young, middle,
and old –old . in this time people enjoy retirement while they go through
the poses for death. In a rare case individuals suffer from Alzheimer’s that
take their control from their body. In any case it creates dependency in the young , but there are multiple possibilities.
Aging is a beautiful a confusing
experience. It can cause multiple confusing experiences but it does not mean
that it will all be horrible. The dependencies only allow individuals to be
relived from their past work. Even drugs can’t absorb the possible opportunities
that the future offers. So the only end is the awaiting future.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
chapter 5 Socializing the individual
As intelligence, personality’s
origin is unknown. How and way every individual has different interests,
beliefs, behavior and values has puzzled many since it is divided in two sides
nurture and nature. These are the answers for the question of the origin of
personality in an individual. Through time sociologists have studied the
isolated children who have had little to no contact with the social groups. To
fix the damage to an individual or to add information to an individual’s
personality to replace the undesired traits they are sent to an agent of
socialization to change them to a certain standard of ideals values, beliefs
and behavior. The idea that the agents of socialization works is based on
nurture, and the social self origin ideas.
debate of nature and nurture is based on whether people are mostly affected by
their genetics or their experience. The heredity
the traits passed down by generations through the genetic of the parents.
Some of these traits are instincts
that are uncontrolled reactions. In
sociobiology the idea is that traits are what create what is called personality.
Heredity is thought to have an important part in the development of the
individual, the genetic aptitude to learn a skill could lead to a particular
area of an individual’s personality. The order
of birth can influence the decisions as well as the characteristics of parents because they affect the treatment change
to the development of the individual just as much as the culture environment dose.
The agents of socialization are in charge of
making individuals that work in the society. These are family, peer group, schools, and the mass media that work after and when an individual is Resocializased, which breaks their experience,
this can happen in total institutions.
Well these agents are not part of the life of individuals feral children, children that wild or untamed, are formed. In an
example Anna was locked in the attic with minimum social interact while she had
little food like Isabella the only difference was that Isabelle was lucky to be
rescued in time to survive and caught up with her age expectations while deaf, Anna
died at an age of ten after her rescue and Genie had human interaction but it
was painful.
The social
self of the individual theories are three. Locke made the tabula rasa that say that the experience creates the personality of
the individual. Cooley theories that the personality is the result of the individual’s
belief of the opinion of others this was called looking-glass self based on how we use others to create our
personality. Mead created the role taking idea that states that what others believe
one is what one becomes.
Care less
of how obtain our personality the mystery will be debated because there is
always a large one that will have a say in the mater. If we are more biological
than experience then hopefully we will find faster ways to fix multiple
problems in terms of the personalities. This is incredible when seen from because
the point of view of how it most feels when one remembers the transformation of
our personality over the years. That is what make the question dose it change
because of experience or because our instincts adapts to the situation.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
chapter 4 Social structure
The compositions of the social
structures are made of different rations between groups, roles, status, interaction,
economy, and organization. These individual components coexist to allow society
to work smoothly even though there can be a clash between roles, status, and organization.
In different companies the matter of work can have difficulties based on their inner
rules that can differ from the outside world; they have to teach it to every
new comer. There is a theory called the six degrees of separation that refer to
how many people are between one individual and any other individual. The power
and weakness of society is its complexity.
Status is a defined position that can
be, ascribed, given or achieved. The master status is a way to be identified based on work or marital
status. The roles are attached to
each status have a role expectation
and the role performance that is the
real work done. Different status with different roles sets can create conflict because both role sets can’t be managed
at the same time, like to be a good friend and still be a good mentor of a
parent. Different status and roles working together for the benefit of multiple
individuals is called a social institution. They have different magnified
relations with the interactions with individuals like competition, conflicts, cooperation , accommodations in which
nether side wins, and exchange of
favors, work or goods this is made possible by reciprocity that states that if some dose something for one that
one now owes the other individual a favor. The theory of exchange is that
individuals are motivated to obtain something from the individuals they
interact with.
The types
of societies are made by their economical system. Preindustrial can consist on hunting
and gathering food, pastoral and horticultural societies concentrate on
the goal of having animals or growing plants without the help of animals in any
of the two cases the first sign of work division starts, and agricultural societies that consist on
using of animals to grow food products and barter to exchange the food
products. Industrial societies consist
of manufactured goods and urbanization of
areas that consist on a cluster of people in a city. Post industrial the economy is based on information. Durkheim said
that when people work together as a whole to finish a task is mechanical solidarity
in preindustrial societies. Organic solidarity is instead the impersonal
relation created by the increase of job specialization. Gemeinshaft is a German
word for mechanic solidarity and gesellschft is for organic solidarity. Groups compose
societies in a way they have to be classified by size, time needed to gather, and
organization, how close do they get with the individuals as in a primal or secondary
group. The type that can be reference, in and out gropes, e-communities, social
networks. The function of the group require a leader, instrumentally and expressive,
so logical and expressive.
Formal organization
is now represented by bureaucracy, according
to Weber’s model there has to be a division
of labor, ranking authorities, employment based on formal qualifications, rules
and regulations, and specific lines of promotion and advancement. A non-profit
profit organization falls to the category of a voluntary work. Weber’s model falls apart by the iron law of
oligarchy in which people promote others for their own interests. In Japan to
show how the working groups function the older workers show the new comers how
to act and dress according to the company standards. In a bank they even have a
code that says that if they are not formal they are disrespecting the customer.
By using this method many workers can follow a certain standard.
The way
society works depends on the individuals. As they use their status for the
benefit others and not succumbing to the iron law of oligarchy gropes will work
smoothly in their designated economy. Even with the different types of groups
they can all work together and exchange knowledge for the benefit of both
sides. With more organic solidarity in a work space the team is doomed to fall
but when everyone work together for the common goal a society can fully improve
and transcend.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
chapter 3 cultural conformity and adaptation
Cultural diversity is the result of the different
technology, language and values. There are rules and ways by which these
cultures are studied. The different cultures are mostly used to find the
similarities whether it is in their norms or life style. The different norms
with in a culture can sometimes create sub cultures.
culture is composed of the material, which are the objects that allow people to
interact and the non material that are the concepts or values that the individuals
share. The components of culture in the other hand are the different
interactions. Technology is the
tools used that require skill, which require the information to be passed down.
Language is the medium with which
the information is passed down. Values are the important ideas and concepts
that are used and passed down to generations. The norms are a combination of
different ideas and taboos that the individuals should not break in a society.
The Folkways are the inner circle
concepts that are considered acceptable but if broken there is no harsh
punishment. Mores are the accepted
behaviors that are not to be broken unless the individual wishes to be looked
down by others. Laws are the
severely punished taboos broken by any individual in a formalized mores way.
examine a culture there are three areas of important consideration. The cultural traits that consists of their beliefs, acts and
their tools. The culture complex that is the combination of beliefs, acts, and
objects. The last important part is the cultural patters that consists of the
combination of cultural complexes. When
the culture is studied to their core ideas it is possible to compare the
cultures and find the cultural universal that are tools acts and beliefs shared
in all cultures. This can be important because in societies far apart have
similar beliefs an tradition but they don’t have that type of connection with
neighbor societies. The Arapesh are
focalized in unity, but the mundugumor are
very separate when it comes to the same sex.
The parents of the arapesh are very united to their children, but the
mundugurmor are very distant from their same sex children. That is way it is
important to understand that even if the two societies are in the same area it
does not mean they will be very similar in all aspects.
comparing cultures it is often found that many individuals will share ethnocentrism that consists in the belief that the culture one belongs is superior to the rest of the
cultures, in at least one occasion everyone has felt this. Some times to change
this feeling when studying a different culture one has to use cultural
relativism that consists that other cultures should not judge other cultures
with their standards but instead the studied culture standards. Counter cultures are formed when a subculture, a small group that has a
slight variation in the opinion from the main culture, rebels against an idea from the main stream.
diversity in a culture is formed by the different subculture that allows change
and advances in life stills. Even though a culture or subcultures have
different standards of life does not mean they are superior or inferior to the
main and to your culture. Just as Whorf’s hypothesis of language molding the
minds of their people and making them pensive the world differently, the
diversity of cultures allow us to see a different ways to see the world.
chapter 2 cultural diversity
As the social sciences evolved and separated certain
branches started specifying in certain areas of the human interaction.
Sociology is the branch that emphasizes on the way societies large or small interact
and divides each other to work and accomplish a goal. In the beginning few
sociologists had ground breaking theories of how society works. The exception
were five pioneers who’s minds created or related information to find answers of
the mysteries of society. In the modern days most of these ideas have been
adapted or erased and replaced by the three perspectives that represent
is far fair and close to all social sciences since they all share the interests
in the human behavior. Psychology has a branch for sociology only they
consentrate how dose these societies affect the individual when sociology cares
more of how people or other factors affect the society. Economics check the desire
to obtain the needs and wants in a group but sociology sees how the wants and
needs are changing in a grope over time as they shift what is
important. Many other of the social sciences over lap since there is always the
main focuses that is the human interaction that happens in a groupe that create other areas of interest
for the investigators of society.
As sociology started to plant its
roots into the independent science, some philosophers started to create
potential truths of society its self. Auguste
Conte was the creator of the term statics,
the simple takes or areas that keep society together, and dynamics that is the change in society. An example of this is how
the power of desire keeps teams together and the dynamic would be how this
desire changes from item to item. Herbert
Spencer instead used Darwin discovery to create Social Darwinism. This idea was that society only increases its
complexity over time. For example the simple dinner MacDonald’s started small
and began to grow into a fast food giant with strong rules instead of
everything being handled by the boss morals. Karl Marx by studied the French revolution he concluded that in
society there are the rich and the working class, this always will lead to
conflict which are god since an agreement is made to ensure progress. Emile Durkheim concentrated in function was to understand a society
first the function of each area has to be understood. Max Weber was the one who used the ideal type, the search of part in different in society to find its
core, to understand Verstehen a tem
made for the study of what caused certain actions by pleasing ones self in
their place.
After the long journey and constant
rivalry with other social sciences sociology has finally a place. This can only
mean more advances and concepts of how and why societies work. Even if it is by
social evolution or conflict it grows
society varies creating endless possibilities when mixed. That is why for
sociology to stop and dry the fountain of opportunities it has it will have to
end human society as it is known.
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